Safety tips for teen drivers in Missouri

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in Missouri and in the United States, and teenagers face many risks behind the wheel. In 2012, 64 teen drivers were killed in car accidents in Missouri, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation.

Car accidents pose serious risks for teens so it is important for parents to discuss safe driving behaviors and tips with their kids before it’s too late. Parents should also try to model safe driving behaviors as many teens learn how to drive from their parents, and not just when they are giving their kids a driving lesson.

Talking to your teenager about safe driving habits is very important and could end up saving their life. Talking about driving with your teen may seem like a difficult topic to bring up but it really shouldn’t be. When teens are first learning how to drive, they often have questions about what to do in a certain circumstance. Discussing safety tips with your teen can help reinforce safe driving behaviors for both of you.

So what exactly should you discuss with your teenager about driving safely, especially now that winter is right around the corner? Below is a list of safe driving behaviors and risks to talk about with your teen driver:

  • Always wear your seat belt
  • Never drive after consuming alcohol or using drugs
  • Don’t text while driving or use you cellphone to surf the web
  • Don’t use other electronic devices while driving
  • Always follow traffic laws

Talking about safe driving behaviors and what not to do while behind the wheel can help your teenager become a safer driver and hopefully reduce the risk of getting into a car accident.