St. Louis Airplane Accident Lawyers
Any number of circumstances may factor into airplane accidents, making them complex accidents to investigate. Determining the underlying causes of a plane crash involves a thorough examination of possible conditions, which may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Aircraft design defects
- Airplane manufacturing defects
- Improper maintenance
- Bad weather conditions
- Air traffic control errors
- Mechanical failure
- Faulty equipment
- Excessive cargo
- Aircraft fueling negligence
Parties who may be liable for airplane accidents run the gamut from plane owners, pilots, airport traffic controllers, manufacturers and maintenance suppliers to companies leasing aircraft, to name a few.
The FAA establishes minimum standards of safety for aircraft flight operations and oversees the regulation of airports and air traffic. Other federal and state laws also regulate certain aspects of the airplane industry. In a complex legal environment that is ever changing, our attorneys at Hullverson Law Firm keep pace and are well-versed in aviation laws. We have the available resources and experience to represent clients in complicated cases involving airplane accidents.
Arrange A Free Consultation
To arrange a consultation to discuss an airplane accident with one of our injury lawyers, please email us or call our office at 314-802-4928 or toll free at 866-217-4974. For your convenience, we will come to you for our first meeting or we will schedule a conference with you at our downtown St. Louis office.