• 110 East Lockwood, Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63119
  • 314-588-7777

Maternal Hypertension Preeclampsia

St. Louis Attorneys Representing Mothers And Children Affected By Preeclampsia During Pregnancy

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are conditions that most frequently occur late in pregnancy — typically after the 20-week point. Preeclampsia involves high blood pressure in pregnant women. The condition can develop even if the mother has no personal or family history of high blood pressure.

Undiagnosed preeclampsia can result in premature births that may lead to a variety of serious health conditions that could impair your child for life. If undiagnosed preeclampsia is allowed to advance to eclampsia, it could cause the mother to suffer severe seizures, fall into a coma or, in the most extreme cases, result in the death of the mother and/or the child.

If you or your child has suffered any type of negative impact due to the effects of undiagnosed or improperly treated preeclampsia, you may have grounds to seek compensation in a medical malpractice claim. These are complex cases, and having an experienced attorney on your side can help to ensure that your interests are fully protected.

Strong Representation In Complex OB-GYN Malpractice Claims

At Hullverson Law Firm in St. Louis, our entire practice is dedicated to helping Missouri and Illinois clients who suffer due to the negligent conduct of other people. We understand the duty that medical professionals have to monitor, diagnose and treat maternal hypertension or preeclampsia. We have extensive experience representing families in a broad range of birth injury claims, and we know how to obtain a favorable outcome for you.

There is no excuse for the mishandling of preeclampsia. Blood pressure is one of the most fundamental vital signs being monitored during pregnancy, and it is the prenatal care and delivery teams’ responsibility to ensure that complications related to preeclampsia are avoided. We work tirelessly to see that all negligent parties are held fully accountable for the harm they cause.

Talk To A Lawyer About Your Birth Injury Claim

Contact our office in St. Louis to discuss your case in more detail. We take the time to fully understand your concerns and answer all your questions. Please call us locally at 314-588-7777 or at 314-421-2313, or contact us via email to schedule your free initial consultation.