Holding Drunk Drivers Accountable For The Harm They Cause To Victims In The St. Louis Area
People who drink and drive place themselves and everyone else sharing the road with them at risk of severe injury or even death. When their reckless behavior leads to accidents that result in serious injuries to innocent people, victims have the right to be fully compensated for their medical care, property damage and other losses.
Even when a drunk driver is clearly at fault for an accident, his or her insurance company will fight to avoid paying the claim and do anything possible to place the blame for the accident on you. It is important that you have an experienced personal injury attorney handling your drunk driving accident claim. In Missouri and Illinois, Hullverson Law Firm has been protecting the rights of injury victims since 1922.
To schedule a free consultation with a skilled and dedicated attorney, contact us today. We can help.
Seeking Maximum Compensation For All Your Losses
In an accident involving a drunk driver, the potential for serious or fatal injuries increases substantially. A drunk driver’s reaction time is markedly slower than a sober driver’s, creating a much greater likelihood of a high-speed crash. We conduct a thorough investigation of your accident so that we can present the most compelling possible case in support of your claim for damages.
When appropriate, we bring in accident reconstructionists who can testify to exactly how your accident occurred. We work with your medical team to fully understand your injuries. When needed, we also consult medical experts, life-planning specialists, economists and others so that we can effectively pursue full compensation for all of your current and future needs.
Discuss Your Injury Claim With A Lawyer
If you have been seriously injured by a drunk driver, not only must the negligent party answer to the law for the DUI, but he or she must also answer to you. Contact our St. Louis office to schedule your free initial consultation to learn more about how we can help you. Please call us in the St. Louis area at 314-588-7777 or at 314-421-2313, or contact us via email to arrange an appointment.