Traumatic brain injuries and rehospitalization
Residents in Missouri may benefit from learning more about the statistics related to traumatic brain injuries and rehospitalization rates. Researchers performing a study found that every year, one-fifth of the patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries were rehospitalized within one to three years following the date of the incident. The researchers concluded that rehospitalization costs should be considered when evaluating the long-term ramifications of these injuries.
Rehospitalizations for traumatic brain injuries were classified as either elective or nonelective. Approximately half of the rehospitalizations were elective, described as reasons including general health maintenance, reconstructive surgery or bone and joint surgery. The study also showed that the rate of nonelective rehospitalizations, described as treatment for conditions concerning mental health disorders, nervous system disorders, infections and seizures, increased after the first year following the injury.
Many of the people suffering significant TBI are required to participate in inpatient rehab. Data on rehospitalization trends was collected during interviews that took place one, two and three years following the date that a patient was discharged from rehabilitation. Some of the people involved in caring for those with TBI include loved ones, life care planners, insurers, health care providers and administrators.
People who suffer a traumatic brain injury due to the actions another person or undergo rehospitalization needlessly due to a medical error may benefit from consulting legal counsel. Lawyers may be able to investigate the incident and help identify all of the parties who may be held liable for the resulting damages. Plaintiffs in these cases are typically entitled to recover restitution to help account for economic and noneconomic hardships resulting from the incident.
Source: Brain Injury Association of America, “Rehospitalization Rates: 20% for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries“, December 08, 2014