Top hazards for children during fall

Fall season means back to school, cooler weather and the start again of certain sports and extracurricular activities. It comes with fun holidays and harvest celebrations. There is much to look forward to.

However, like with anything else in life, fall also has its own hazards. Many of these affect school-aged children. Arm yourself with the knowledge of what they are and how to properly prepare your child to prevent the likelihood of an accident and injury occurring.

Motor vehicle accidents

Motor vehicle accidents cover more than just a collision between passenger cars. They also include the following:

  • Buses: School buses will be back on the road in fall. Although buses are generally safe, they can get involved in severe accidents, whether it is the fault of the bus driver or another motorist. Many drivers get impatient with buses and do not drive safely around them or follow safety laws that protect kids crossing in front of the bus.
  • Pedestrians: Perhaps your child lives close enough to school to walk. Children are extremely vulnerable pedestrians, comprising 20 percent of traffic fatalities for those under 15 years old, reveals the CDC. Make sure your children know to only cross the street at designated places and to avoid distractions such as music and cellphones. 
  • Cyclists: Does your child ride a bike to school instead of walk? Make helmet use mandatory to prevent TBI in case of an accident. Make sure your child knows how to use hand signals and share the road with motorists.

If your child is a new driver, set boundaries to increase safety. For example, you can limit night driving, encourage getting enough sleep and teach how to drive in rain and fog.

Playground accidents

With younger kids back in school, playgrounds can pose a risk. You are not there to watch your child but a teacher who must supervise a whole class of kids. Wet and poorly maintained playgrounds can increase danger, as well as other recreational equipment, such as sports balls. Following playground rules can avoid injuries such as broken bones and head trauma.